
One Terabyte of Porn

A recent conversation with a friend of mine who lives in the UK.

Friend: Congratulate me Boss, for I have just used up all 1 terabyte of Hard Disk Space for porn.

Me: …

Me: Well done… I can’t think of a better use of Hard Disk Space and your UK broadband line.

For those of you who don’t know, 1 terabyte = 1,024 GB.

Now lets put things into perspective.

1 terabyte = 1,024 GB = 1,048,576 MB

Assuming a good quality movie is 700MB for one and a half hours.

(1,048,576/700) = 1,498 movies.

Since each movie is one and a half hours, 1,498 movies is 2,247 hours.

So if you were going to watch one terabyte of porn… it would take you 93 days (3 months) non-stop assuming you don’t eat, shit, sleep or do anything other than watch porn!

I bet the visionary who invented the Hard Drive said decades ago
“Hard Disks in the future will be used to store all sorts of important information from financial records, to research material to historical archives”.

And I bet today if he finds out where the bulk of Hard Disk Space is going, he’ll be thinking
“CRAP! How the hell did I NOT see that coming?”

Disclaimer: If you live in Malaysia… please DON’T TRY TO BEAT THAT RECORD… partly because PORN IS ILLEGAL in Malaysia… but also because our lines are slow enough after the earthquake… so please don’t slow them down even more with your torrents!!!!

Have mercy on the people that depend on the internet to make a living (like Stewie).

The Penang Beaches

Hasan (my middle-eastern buddy from my London days) arrived in style at the Penang airport yesterday.

After graduation, he has since become an investment banker by profession and having just gotten a big fat bonus he decided to make a trip to Penang to visit me.

The first thing he said when he arrived at Penang was that he wanted to see the BEACHES and the SEA!!!

So after picking him up from the airport, I rushed him to the nearest public beach.

To the disappointment of many Penangites that contributed to the famous WALL OF CRAP near the Crown Prince Hotel Beach in Penang… Hasan the tourist… wasn’t impressed.

And he wasn’t even impressed that a particular “Daniel” had spray-painted his own name on the wall.

So to the Daniel that took the effort to display his artistic talent, I’m sorry you had to hear this…

At the end of the dreadful alley was the beautiful beach that people “apparently” come to Penang for (that is of course… according to Hasan)

Many public beaches in Penang are dirty as hell… littered with anything from plastic bags to condoms.

So on the beaches that ARE well-kept, there are big reminders to tell everyone using it to keep the beach CLEAN.

And the state government not only provide these beaches with a couple of bins

But up to four of them at ONE spot.
Just in case anyone is blind enough to miss them (I know plenty of such people).

Then again, it does help that this particular beach is taken care off by these two hotels (without them we’ll be walking on used condoms instead of sand).

So after confidently assuring ourselves that we are considerate Penangites that don’t litter, we walked deeper into the beach!

And took some pictures of the scenery
And of us IN the scenery … WOOHOO!!!
Now the thing about the beaches in Penang is… PLENTY of locals hang out there… young and old (though most of the time young).

So while loitering around the beach I bumped into Eve, a fellow blogger and reader of this blog who upon seeing Hasan said

Hasan took a few minutes to defend himself by telling Eve how he thinks Macs are inferior to Windows-based PCs (and that I’m an idiot for buying one).

In the hope of stopping Hasan from talking shit about my Mac, I distracted him by pointing at a drink stand selling COCONUTS.

And being the nice polite host, I bought a coconut for Hasan.

To distract him further, I got him to pose with his coconut.
By the time he was sucking blissfully on his coconut, he had totally forgotten about his life-long mission to bitch about me buying my Mac (that I lurrrrrveee btw).Now I think the coconut is a DIRTY DIRTY FRUIT!

There is just no “innocent” way of holding it.

Pay attention to the way Hasan was “cupping” his coconut.

That is soo sooo dirty!

But how else would you do it?

How do you guys hold your coconuts?

Guess The Celebrity

I was surfing round the internet as usual and I found this picture of one of our favourite celebrities!

Guess WHO???

UPDATE: Alright alright it’s Jessica Alba… and yes that looks like a napkin on her head.

A Netccentric Brainstorming Session

My partner Ming came down to Penang on Monday for a business trip mainly to meet up with the team at Netccentric and plan our overall marketing strategy (since our website is due for launching soon).

The little office I work in has gotten a little crowded since with me working at my usual desk but Ming taking up a position right beside me.
So once in a while out of anger and annoyance… I would shoot an angry look at him to remind him that he’s taking my space!!!And he would then shoot back a rather confused look wondering what the heck I was staring at him for…. since obviously.. IT WAS HIS OFFICE TOO!!!

So before tensions got too high, we decided to call a marketing meeting to involve the technical team of the company to brainstorm for ideas on how to market our product.

Now Ming and I have always wanted Netccentric to be a “forward-looking” company.

So rather than having the typical brainstorming session that has people shout out ideas, Ming suggested we try something new.

Ming was the Chairperson of the meeting so he directed everyone on what to do.

First, everyone was to take a piece of paper and fold it to divide the paper into 9 parts.

Then in each part, everyone was to come up with 9 ideas of his/her own and write it in his/her own piece of paper without talking to anyone else about it.

After that, we took the piece of paper, tore it up to 9 pieces (one idea on each piece) and then spread it out on the floor in front of us.

Then of the 9 pieces in front of us, we each took out 3 ideas that we thought were crap

and chucked it into a basket.

Then of the remaining 6 pieces for each person, we separated it into two groups.

3 pieces from each person to go into a pile that was what the person thought was the BEST of his ideas and the remaining 3 pieces per person was to go into a pile for “Second Best” ideas.

So there you have it in this picture.

The CRAP ideas were in the basket.

The Best Ideas on the left.

And the Second Best on the right.

Then we wrote all the “BEST” ideas (15 of them) on the white board and discussed them altogether.
We expanded on each of those 15 BEST ideas and when we were done with those we moved on to the 15 SECOND BEST ideas and then on to the 15 CRAP ideas.

Mind you… the crap ideas are often good.

Just that it’s sometimes so silly that people are too embarrassed to call it a great idea themselves 😛

By the end of the meeting, we all came up with some very good marketing ideas and one revolutionary one (which I can’t discuss here at the moment).

We prepared meeting minutes which stated exactly which person had to follow-up on each idea (Ming and I got the bulk of the work since the technical team was already buried in work).

So our brainstorming session turned out to be quite a success.

But of the sea of ideas we had, some turned out to be quite funny.

In my “CRAP” pile, one of the ideas I wrote was “Company Musical/Soundtrack”.


Either ways… we had some great ideas there… something that many of you will see in time to come.

So when our company has launched and you’ve seen its creative marketing campaign somewhere, remember that the idea probably came about in this boardroom meeting of a small dotcom company.

Hearts ‘N Lightbulbs

Yesterday a rather nice girl named Jasemaine sent me an e-mail.

Jasemaine is the talented girl who designed the hamster and even the banner for Tuitionhamster.com
Back then, we basically went to her and said that we wanted our hamster mascot to look FAT and cute!

Skinny hamsters are not cute!

It was an almost impossible task for her to do since the cutest hamster in the world had already been drawn ie Hamtaro (which is still not as cute as Ah Bop btw).

But I must say I was pretty impressed by whatever she came up with (although some bastard friends of mine think that the hamster looks more like a bear… IT’S A HAMSTER DAMMIT!!!).

Jasemaine went on to say
” Ya know, I thought the tuitionhamster.com was a college project at first! I didn’t know it was a real business untill I read an article about it in the newspaper one day! :)”

I corrected her.

The truth is that it was and still is a college project meant to help whatever teachers and students we could and NOT an actual internet business.

Actual internet businesses make money… and they charge commissions to make money! Tuitionhamster till today is totally free!

We’ve had potential buyers who were interested in taking over the website but we resisted since we knew it would stop being free to our current users.

The website has been left on auto-pilot for the past one year and since then the count of teachers have grown to over 530.

Unfortunately, some teachers signed up with us have complained that they haven’t gotten any students through us. But we have seen other teachers receive plenty of tuition requests through our website and all for free!

That is what we set out to do in the beginning and I can comfortably say we achieved that we considerable success (considering the tiny budget of RM1,700 including the web hosting that we paid for in advance for the next 3 years and we had and the full-time jobs we had back then).

Anyway, Jasemaine sounded a little awkward in saying this but she e-mailed me to tell me about a charity event happening on the 11th of February 2007.
After telling me about the charity event she went on to say
” Would it be possible for you to highlight this event in yourupcoming blog entry? Your support is much appreciated! If you can’t,it’s totally alright.”

Now I think that is a rather silly question!

Why wouldn’t I want to mention a blog entry on a charity event? (something I’m sure my kind-hearted readers would be very interested to hear about too right?)

I’m sure even you guys would love to hear about it right?

So here are the details.

Hearts N Lightbulbs Valentine Event


The charity home we’re helping: St. Jerome Home, a home to 18 children
age 2-16 years, taken care solely by Brother Peter. St. Jerome Home is
in urgent need of a washing machine and funds for the children’s
school fees.

Or you could check out their website here.

Meeting the Boss of Beard Papa

Before the Blog Meet last weekend, I found myself in Sunway Pyramid with my partner Ming and another friend.

We were looking to kill some time before the blog meet so we decided to take a short walk and perhaps get a drink.

But before we got to our drinks, I spotted a newly opened Beard Papa store in the distance so I quickly asked Ming
“Have you tried Beard Papa’s cream puff? It’s expensive… but damn good!!!”.Ming said NO, so I brought him there, ordered a few puffs and quickly ran off to the toilet.

While I was away, Ming was talking to the other friend who was with us and saying
“Wahlau! These cream puffs are really quite expensive wei!”.

A man behind the counter overheard him and came up to explain that the cream puffs were expensive because almost all (or all) the ingredients were actually imported directly from Japan including the Katana that he was about to use to cut Ming up if he didn’t stop saying the cream puffs were expensive.

The man went on and on about the cream puffs and Ming went with his hunch saying
“Hey… are you the Boss?”

And the Boss he was!

Meet Mr Goh H C, Beard Papa’s franchisee for Malaysia!After I came back from the toilet, Ming introduced me to Mr Goh and we all sat down together on a table for a chat.

Mr Goh shared with us the many business experiences he has had even before Beard Papa came along.

Much of his business dealings in the past have been with Japan so Mr Goh here speaks fluent Japanese.

Yes by fluent I mean able to speak the language.

And NO, just in case you were wondering, knowing how to say words like “Yamateh” or “Kimochi” does not count as being fluent in Japanese (Sorry to disappoint you Chapree).

Overall, it was truly inspiring meeting another fellow entrepreneur… and all by accident.

So the next time you go to Beard Papa and if you’d like to meet the Boss, just say out loud

Blog Meet at Wizard World

Today I attended the blog meet at Sungai Wang’s Wizard Cafe.

For all of you who missed it (including Cely and Earl), the blog meet was pretty fun!

Now some people say blog meets are for bloggers to meet other bloggers or just for some young people to have fun in a group.

But listen to me when I say this.
Blog meets are organized JUST FOR bloggers to take many many pictures of themselves (cuz bloggers loveeee camwhoring) !!!

So let the pictures begin!

My snap with Cheryl

The very bubbly Kelz
William, Albert and Kelz .
and “Shaz”.

Halfway through all the camwhoring, I found our shamelessness attracting more and more attention from the outside.

It almost felt like we were in an aquarium with all the passer-bys on the outside looking in like we were human exhibits on display.
Perhaps they were just amazed by the sheer number of cameras there were in that one area.

And not just small little point and shoot digicams!


It’s almost as if we bloggers feel that the bigger the camera a blogger has… the longer the c*ck.

Just like Albert here with his rather long…. schlong.

But back to the pictures.

I also managed to meet this handsome dude.

Who upon seeing me quickly said hi and shook my hand telling me how he reads my embarrassing blog.

I love meeting readers.

Then of course, moving on there is Yee Hou with his camera flash that had a sanitary pad attached.

And a group picture of Ken, Smashpop, JustMilk and William (another one of my favourite readers!)
Andddd of course… Aprilcherrie

A random picture of us
A group picture of Pink Pau, Jolene, Me, Ming, Amanda and Mikel!

Andddd of course… every meet there are some newcomers that often feel lost.

Meet Sue Ann and Yee Leen (that left in a hurry after I introduced them to everyone else).
And the last picture for the day… Amanda!

Whew… that was one shitload of pictures!

We Penang People

We Penang People are an amazing bunch.

We think that helmets are for pussies.

And number plates are for whimps.We also think that it is only polite to spew black smoke in front of other motorists.

Just like how we think that there’s nothing funnier than parking at spots meant for the disabled.

We Penang People find side parking to be a waste of time.

Especially when we have a 4WD.

To further decorate our city, we love to hang dirty plastic bags on the water meters of our neighbors.
and since we think it is inefficient to have fire hydrants only serve one purpose (provide water for firemen).

We find other uses for them.

Oh and lets not forget that we Penang People love signs which warn us that we will be fined RM500 if we were to litter.

We get high just from ignoring them.

We Penang People are caring and helpful.

Whenever any fellow Penangite is in need of help, we will be at the scene along with the rescue crew.
To watch what’s happening so we have another story to tell our wives and kids when we go home.

We Penang People are smart people.

We know when a truck is too big to go through a road.

But we do it anyway… for the kick of it.

When it comes to pumping petrol, we Penang People love to talk on the phone while filling up our tank.

Not because we don’t believe the theory that the phone will ignite an inferno, but because we feel that we just have to do it since other people tell us not to.

We Penang People ignore any wordings that are not in Hokkien.
Even if it’s as simple as “NO PARKING”.

If you want us to listen, please have it say “Beh sai park chia”.

We Penang People love to keep our roads clean.

So much that we often wash it with red/pink water.
But most importantly… we Penang People are a patriotic bunch.

We proudly hang our country’s flag wherever we deem appropriate… and we take damn good care of it.

Don’t you all wish you were Penang People too? 😛

Dedicated to all my fellow Penangites!!!

PS: Thanks to Cely for the pics.

Together-Gather Bloggers’ Party Relaunch

Months ago I wrote about a party that Wingz and some of his blogger friends were organising in December 2006.

Unfortunately, due to some complications, they had to postpone it to this March.March is just around the corner, so they’re now relaunching it.

It’s going to be bigger… better … and probably more fun.

They’ve even got sponsors like Pikom in.

How touching to hear companies willing to sponsor us bloggers to have a good time.

Perhaps buy us some balloons… help us pay the rent of our function room… and even pay for our orange juice.

The bad news for some though.. is I don’t quite think there’ll be any booze there…

But if you’re looking for scenes of dancing girls like this…Then please do come…

Our blogger ladies at this party will be just as happening… right Wingz?

Check out Wingz site for the details.